This weekend mom brought along my cousin dog friend....little Atley! (who actually isn't so little). We had soooo much fun together!
Atley was supposed to be a seeing eye dog, but he had a "career change," because apparently he was confused about where to go to the bathroom. The truth of the matter is... that he told me actually QUIT! He put in his resignation because he felt it wasn't the right career path for him. I don't blame him!! I could never be on leash forever. But I suppose some doggies really like it. It takes all kinds!
I had to work extra hard in the hills with Atley around, and my multi-tasking skills were at a all time high...I not only had to fetch the ball... but herding Atley was a challenge! Auntie Suzie was (what people call) "out of it" due to some sort of boy situation. (I understand completely because my boyfriend, cody, exhausts me as well.)
Atley just wouldn't stay on the path! Thank goodness I was there to control him.

After the hike, however, I could see that he had fun. But unfortunately, he couldn't hold out for the car ride home. He's got a lot of energy...but he is no Border Collie! I have so much to teach him! I can't wait for our next hike together...
hi i have a son named mattie and a border named shadow she raised four kids and mattie really reminds me a litle of her(my border) shes out of a job as of late all the kids have moved on to other things and shes waiting for her new task so i was thinking of maybe bringing her to seniors for visits couple of times week maybe bring one other younger border for a companion for herinto our little plave to join us. so then she could go and hang outwith the seniors chat shake and just be petted they do love attention annd that goes both ways couple days a week.I actually alreadwrote this once and had to go find my pass word so i feel repetitive and any how looking for feedback what do you think of idea shes really active she is 14 but i will nwever tell her that still pup at heart and looking for a new gig:) let me know i will send a pic when i get to my own computer thanks have fun you guys
Thanks so much for keeping me on the trail Mattie- sometimes my curiousity gets the better of me! I had a really fun time and was pooped for the rest of the evening. Can't wait til we can do it again!
Yes, Atley, it is fun! Don't worry about your shinanigans. It's my job to keep you in check. You need to come with us again! I have so much to teach you young grasshopper. ;-)
Response to Kathyjgall-you should consider hooking up with one of the pet therapy groups. They make visits to old folks homes, etc... Mattie so no good in those situations because she's far to excitable. But a 14 year old would be great at that. You could also take her through a Canine Good Citizen class to help. It will excercise her brain. They offer them at the East Bay SPCA. I have a link on the blog. Good Luck!
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