Today, on our hike, I made friends with another collie. This collie could have been my sister! I thought I was looking in the mirror. It was obvious, though... because this collie was satisfied
with herding pine cones... I could never use such mediocre equipment.
Mom and I took a new trail today... (East Ridge Trail to Prince Road, then Stream Trail to the parking lot) We got to hike down near where the redwoods grow! It's nice and cool down there, and I can cover much more ground much faster. Doggies aren't supposed to be off-leash near the creek, (this is a continuation of the other trail I talked about last month) because the salmon are doing some special business in there. Whatever. I don't care... I will go where the ball goes!

Mom also tried to make me sit still so we could take pictures together... sometimes she doesn't get that there's so much to do! But I tried to sit still as long as my collie legs would let me!