Today mom took me to one of my FAVE places to do the Friz... Pt. Isabel. Unfortunately, we doggies are still not allowed to swim on the shoreline or in the creek, because the people are STILL cleaning up their oil. (Leave it to humans to not get a job done!) But that's okay, I still have my friz to catch and dogs to herd.

Pt. Isabel is tons of fun, and it's one of the largest areas you can run off-leash in this area. Mom says they were voted the best dog park in the USA by Dog Fancy magazine! I agree. It is also a good place to stalk the friz, and any trouble makers! I make sure to disguise myself in the tall grass, so the friz doesn't know I'm coming!
Today it was very rainy and foggy... but that doesn't stop me! A little mud never hurt anyone... the hose down afterward, however...leaves much to be desired!
Today I also made friends with another collie named Posey. She was just a baby and needed me to show her the ropes, but being a collie, she could hold her own pretty well. I made sure to follow her, though... and let the big dogs know that rough housing is NOT allowed when a collie is trying to work! Unfortunately, many of them are not so bright.... and they just don't understand...

Mom and I had fun today... I can't wait to go back!